Sunday, 28 May 2023

I went 6 months and then cheated on Wahl's

My deepest apologies if this post seems a trifle formal today. I have been partaking in far more Diana Gabaldon than perhaps is prudent as of late.

 I have decided that I must go back a step or two with Wahl's. I've made a few mistakes. I decided to go off wheat, but somehow quickly turned that into gluten instead. It was too big of a step. I managed for over a week, but then I decided to go off milk too! I have been miserable. 

I'm really surprised at myself. I have been gradually decreasing some things and increasing some others since September! For example: going off just cheese instead of all dairy at once, or making sure a have a cup of green leafy vegetables a day.  Both of these strategies have been to ensure the highest chances of success, but then I make a giant leap!  

I think what happened is that once I reached my goals of eating 6 cups of fruit and vegetables, and going off sugar, coffee and dairy (except I was still having milk), I started looking forward to new goals.  I wasn't exactly sure where to go next, so I plunge in head first into the Wahl's Protocol book, and quickly start thinking that my goals were out of line with what I should have been concentrating on. I forgot why I made the goals that I did in the first place, and immediately start charging ahead making drastic changes!

Yes, I could probably have done the last 6 months differently, but I have been very successful at reaching my goals! I wanted to give my body the chance to to be able to digest that much produce. I wanted to give up some foods slowly and replace them with others to make it less difficult to quit. Maybe the most important of all is that I wanted to give my system a slow enough speed of detoxifying as to prevent my getting really sick!! I feel as if I should make a sign out of this and post it on the wall, so that I don't forget and get too impatient again.

Once I started reading the book again (and not just skimming a lot of it this time) my frustration at the lack of changes to my life grew as I read peoples' accounts of their experiences. They were saying how they noticed a difference in either a few days, or a couple of weeks! I have been working on this since September! I only count from Christmas though as I didn't start my full effort until then. It has been six months though!

When I saw all of the things that I wasn't doing yet, it really motivated me to make big changes in order to start seeing some real results. This rash thinking forgot to take all of my previous reasoning into mind. I went off gluten. That wasn't the goal. The goal was to go off wheat. That is a BIG change for me. I was having wheat once or twice a day most days. I should have started adding in more servings of  things like quinoa, and rice, and tried to incorporate one or two gluten free possibilities. Then I should have gone off gluten, and added in other options at the same time. THEN I should have gone off milk (Possibly milk then gluten).

I know some people say that you shouldn't say should, but I don't always agree with that. I am looking at mistakes I've made. I acknowledge that I could have done this differently. Now I will have to make corrections. 

You see I cheated. I haven't cheated once before now (except the two cheat days I allowed myself, one every three months). I give up butter, no more butter. I give up chocolate, no more chocolate.  I'm not beating myself up too badly. I had an iced coffee with cow's milk and a scone. The scone wasn't even that good. 

I had been hungry every day for about a week. I was trying to gradually add in some "gluten free" stuff, which left me pretty limited choices in what to eat. Oh!! One HUGE factor was that I went off oats as well!! My rosacea was getting really red on days when I hadn't had any caffeine or anything else that I thought might cause it, and I had been having a lot more oatmeal. That left me with a big hole in my diet. I thought I could go gluten free because I had oatmeal for breakfast. I forgot about that. 

Anyhoo, I have allowed myself milk again once a day, and I am having some wheat, etc. while I figure out how to go more gradually off these things, and how to cook differently to compensate. I'm not totally sure I can do it, to be honest. I just don't have the energy to prepare meals often enough, and it's getting pretty expensive to eat like this. 

We shall see. I'm definitely not giving up yet. I sure am getting impatient though. I want to go out into the world a lot more often, and let's face it, this whole too sick to date thing has gotten very, very, old. 

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