Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Starting Wahl's Protocol diary

 Dr. Wahl's wants me to write a diary for my diet. She says so in her book. So here I am. Typing even though it bloody hurts to use my hands. Hopefully, I will start seeing results, or at least this symptom will ease. I must note here that I'm not sure if this ache in my hands and forearms is an MS symptom or not. It could be from being on my phone constantly.  As I am constantly lying down for most of the time (23+ hours a day)  and too tired to use my arms or brain, what other option do I have? I go bananas if I have to keep my hands still for very long.  Anyway, this is my laptop, but it still hurts to type.

I have been trying to get on the Wahl's Protocol for a while. It started back in September that my youngest (19) began doing MMA, so she became really motivated to cook more often. More meat and veggies. I added more fruit as well, and we started eliminating processed food, and any baked goods.

Around Christmas I gave up all dairy except milk and sugar (except the little bit if I had coffee or tea) and that included CHOCOLATE!!! I started measuring my fruit and vegetables with the goal to get to 6 cups a day (3 cups of each). A couple of weeks ago (four months in)  I managed to do 6 cups 10 days in a row. It was a new best, but I think I got a little too cocky.  I can remember thinking things like, "Why don't I always just eat raw carrots  and peapods?" and "this is getting so easy". Then my stomach majorly revolted, and I had a very gaseous, bloated, painful and sensitive digestive system. 

The same week I was getting cocky, I was also doing physically better than I had in probably a year. I have been tracking a few other things in a notebook along with the fruits and vegetables. My energy level, 10 being the best, as well as symptoms, medications, etc.  The cocky week I was having energy levels of 5's and even a 6 one of those days1 I'm usually happy for a 4.  I went out! I got errands done! I went to the doctor (which I had rescheduled a few times over about 5 months). I even went to my friend's birthday party! I hadn't been out socially for months and months!  I kept telling myself that I was pushing it and I was going to crash, but I kept waking up the next day feeling good!  Don't get me wrong, I did manage to overdo it!  NEVER question my skill to keep pushing until I'm down again. Sigh.

What I want to focus on is that during my up week, I had that gastric episode and I couldn't eat anything really. Definitely not any veggies or fruit.  I existed on mainly cereal (with cow's milk) and bread (I even bought a white loaf) for at least 3-4 days. Oh and egg salad.  I can't forget the eggs. 

I officially quit coffee on May 1st!!! I NEVER thought I could get here. I have been weaning off it for months, and sometimes replacing with tea, but when I had so much stomach trouble that I could barely eat anything, I jumped on the opportunity to quit for good. I have to admit that I'm missing it a lot, but  there's one bit that's got me hanging on. I've given myself four cheat days a year. The second one is going to be for Mother's Day on Sunday, and I'm planning on a coffee and my favorite muffin!!! I assume that by the next cheat day (some special day TBD July-September) I'll be so into the diet that it won't be worth it. I hope. 

4 more sleeps until latte!

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