Monday, 22 May 2023

I'm embarrassingly excited to eat gluten free bread!!

 I was just reading a post from last year. In it I talked about how I was told that if you start journaling (when you begin meditating) that you will be surprised at the changes in three months, and really surprised after 6. (She types after she has managed to journal consistently for a couple of weeks.) hmmm

I've started meeting with a health coach once a week for thirty minutes. We set goals and basically talk about how the goals from last week went, and if anything can be done to clear anything that might hamper completing this week's goals. This week it has been to either journal or read Wahl's Protocol for thirty minutes a day. I think I will keep the same goal until I finish meeting with her, along with other goals, of course. 

Today I had what I'm pretty sure will be my last sip of cow's milk. I'm am trying to be officially off all dairy as of now!  I also had my first piece of gluten free bread. It was pretty good.  My stomach felt a bit off after I ate it, but I'm going to try it again. It turns out this one has sugar in it, so I'll have to check the ingredients better for the next loaf, but it has been progress. I was so miserable going gluten free, but I realized that I was basically going grain free! I don't need to go that extreme yet (or hopefully ever). I ordered some rice crackers, and the bread, and some dairy replacement things. I'm so glad that I can have some bread sometimes. The thought of never having a hamburger again was really depressing!

Today I had the bread. Tomorrow I think I might finally try either the coconut milk or the coconut yogurt. I'm thinking that the yogurt might not work out, but maybe it'll be great in smoothies? I miss having yogurt, but I haven't been able to eat it for years. Not since they added probiotics. Hmmm...that's interesting. So much of this protocol is about making your gut happy. Dr. Wahl talks about how we are basically sharing this body with all our little bacteria, etc. Gross. Fair point though. I'm working on making my own probiotics inside my tummy!

Holy moley. Considering the fact that I have already been off gluten for over a week (except I had Corn Flakes which has gluten, but that was an accident so it doesn't count) and the fact that now I'm off milk....that means I've made it to all my goals??? Holy freaking moley. 

I'm definitely not going to celebrate yet because I'm not quite there. The gluten free is still too fresh, and the no milk isn't even at one day yet. Ok maybe a little celebration? Yay me!!! 

I'm not consistently at 6 cups of produce. I actually hit 9 cups one day! I go over 6 cups more days then under, but I've had a couple 5's. So this week is about making sure I maintain the 6, carefully adding some new options, and making sure that I'm getting more green leafy vegetables. I'm actually smiling and shaking my head in disbelief at myself. I'm so proud!! 

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